Code structure


mei-friend is implemented as an open-source single-page Web application written in “vanilla” JavaScript, served by a minimal Python Flask server which also handles basic OAuth authentication mechanisms (e.g., to support the GitHub integration). Major re-used components include CodeMirror, a highly configurable text editor providing the basis for mei-friend’s encoding panel, and Verovio, a powerful MEI engraving engine used for a number of purposes within our application, most significantly to provide the SVG renderings displayed in the notation panel, and to handle input and output functionalities including conversions from other formats. A comprehensive description of all components re-used within mei-friend is available in the file within the editor’s code repository.

Code structure

Top-level directory

The top-level directory of the mei-friend codebase contains a number of files and directories, including the following:

  • app: The main directory of the mei-friend codebase, containing the core application code (in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS), as well as the Flask server code (in Python).

  • e2e: A directory containing end-to-end tests for the mei-friend application, written in TypeScript using the Playwright testing library.

  • npm: A directory containing the package.json file, which lists the dependencies required by the Playwright testing library.

  • A file containing a log of changes to the mei-friend codebase, including version numbers and release dates.

  • A file containing guidelines for contributing to the mei-friend codebase, including information on how to report bugs, how to suggest new features, and how to submit pull requests.

  • A file containing instructions for installing and configuring the mei-friend application on a local system.

  • LICENSE: A file containing the text of the GNU AGPL v3.0 license, under which the mei-friend codebase is distributed.

  • A file containing a general overview of the mei-friend application, including information on how to use the application and pointers to further details.

  • env-template: A file containing a template for the environment variables required by the mei-friend application, including the client ID and client secret for the GitHub OAuth application used for authentication. This is described in more detail in the file.

  • requirements.txt: A file containing a list of Python packages required by the mei-friend application, including the Flask web framework and other dependencies.

  • A file containing configuration settings for the Gunicorn web server, which can be used to deploy the mei-friend application in a production environment.

  • A file containing the entry point for the mei-friend application when deployed using the Gunicorn web server.

app directory

The app directory is the main directory of the mei-friend codebase, containing the core application code (in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS), as well as the Flask server code (in Python).

  • static: A directory containing static files used by the mei-friend application, including images, fonts, stylesheets, and JavaScript libraries.

  • templates: A directory containing the single-page HTML template used by the mei-friend application.

  • A file containing the entry point for the Flask server, which initializes the application and sets up the routes.

  • A file containing the route definitions for the Flask server, including the logic for handling requests and rendering responses, as well as the OAuth authentication mechanisms.

app/static directory

The app/static directory contains static files used by the mei-friend application, including images, fonts, stylesheets, and JavaScript libraries.

  • CodeMirror: A directory containing the CodeMirror text editor library, which is used as the basis for the encoding panel in the mei-friend application. This directory is included as a git submodule; see

  • css: A directory containing the stylesheets used by the mei-friend application, including the main stylesheet (default.css) and additional stylesheets for specific components.

  • deps: A directory containing third-party JavaScript libraries used by the mei-friend application, alongside their license files.

  • keymaps: A directory containing the default-keymap.js file, which defines the keyboard shortcuts used by mei-friend.

  • lang: A directory containing the language files used by mei-friend, each named according to the ISO 639-1 code for the language they represent. For example, the English language file (which is used as a default when no available language matches the browser’s language) is named lang.en.js. For more information on how to contribute translations, see the file.

  • lib: A directory containing the JavaScript libraries used by the mei-friend application, including the main application code (main.js) and additional libraries for specific components.

  • owl: A directory containing the various mei-friend logos, each featuring Eulise the owl, the application’s mascot. These are adapted for different environments and themes, and are used in the application’s user interface.

  • sampleEncodings: A directory containing the sampleEncodings.csv file used to construct mei-friend’s public repertoire menu. To contribute to this repertoire, see the file.

  • svg: A directory containing supplementary SVG images using within mei-friend.

  • tests: A directory containing JavaScript-based tests which are run when mei-friend is deployed in its develop environment. These currently include a test to check that all language packs contain identical keys and structures. Note that these are different from the end-to-end tests contained in the top-level e2e directory.