Welcome to the mei-friend Help pages. Here you will find documentation and help for the mei-friend “last-mile” music encoding editor. Please take note of the conventions and caveats that apply to this documentation.
mei-friend is intended to alleviate the common task of cleaning up encodings in the Music Encoding Initiative’s (MEI) XML format. These may be generated via optical music recognition, or via conversion from other formats. mei-friend is a full-featured, cross-browser compatible Web application, with optimised performance and an extended set of features. The application is available online at https://mei-friend.mdw.ac.at.
In the navigation menu, you will find:
- A cheatsheet with a comprehensive list of editing functions, their keyboard shortcuts, and a complete list of URL parameters
- The documentation itself describing basic topics and advanced topics and giving pointers to further reading
- More information about the development of mei-friend